Window Defender will have an antivirus protection to protect your system. Which will include a Windows Defender by default. Microsoft has provide many securities in Windows 12 to protect your computer. The button to switch on or off for the Tablet Mode feature will be in the Action Center.

While in tablet mode the start menu will work like in desktop mode. This new feature will be able to work on mobile phones and tablets as well. Users will get the option to work in both modes. Windows 12 is a perfect blend of touchscreen devices. The main advantage of this feature is that a person can work with Cortana without lifting a finger. As many of you know this feature was previously introduced in Windows Phone 8.1. Microsoft launch Cortana 2.0 virtual assistant to help you. Which is more user friendly than the start screen option. Where Microsoft has gone old-school this time around is the traditional Start menu that has been reintroduce, according to reports. Strat screen option was used by all previous operating systems to launch applications.